10 Water Preservation Techniques You Can Use

Using Water Preservation Techniques and ways to reuse water became more important in our lives as the freshwater resource are shrinking every day

Water Preservation Techniques

There are many water preservation techniques you can use to increase the efficiency of water use and reduce consumption. There are simple things you can do in your everyday life that can help reuse water and help preserve freshwater. Almost 70% of the freshwater available on Earth is in form of glaciers and ice caps and located in places like the Antarctic and Greenland ice sheets.

Factors such as climate change have increased pressures on natural water resources especially in manufacturing and agricultural irrigation. Sustainably managing the natural resource of fresh water, and protecting the hydrosphere helps to meet the current and future human demand.

1. Rainwater Harvesting

Rainwater harvesting is a simple strategy by which rainfall is gathered and stored for future usage such as watering gardens, livestock, irrigation, domestic use with proper treatment and more. This technique can be an incredible solution that increases the availability of water in the drier seasons in areas where there is not enough supply of groundwater.

2. Water Meters

Using water meters can be helpful to know how much water you use in a day. There are two basic types of water meters – the straight-reading meter which resembles an odometer in a car, and the round-reading meter which has several separate dials.

You may not be aware of the amount of water you are using, especially in the summer when the largest contributor to high water consumption is lawn irrigation for a single-family residential house. It helps to detect water leaks in the distribution network, thus providing a basis for reducing the amount of water use.

3. Efficient Irrigation Technology

Lawns and gardens require a significant amount of water for their maintenance. To improve the efficient use of water-smart irrigation controllers can help to save a lot of water, track the usage and prevent overwatering. Drip irrigation is another efficient irrigation technology that can reduce water consumption for agriculture.

4. Check Faucets and Pipes for Leaks

Faucets and Pipes for Leaks

A dripping faucet can waste up to 40 gallons a week. If your sink or bathtub faucets leak one drip per second you’ll waste more than 3,000 gallons per year. You can try to fix leaks by yourself or call professionals. If you are not sure if you have water leaks one way to check is by using the water meter reading. take a note of the reading then re-check again after two hours with all water gadgets are shut. 

5. Chane Your Diet

Almost 53 gallons of water are required to produce a single 1/4th lb. hamburger. Switch to steaming instead of boiling vegetables will also save a lot of water. You can switch to a healthier diet and be more sustainable.

There are easy ways to use less water and shrink your water footprint. When you eat lower on the food chain, eat more whole foods and waste less food, you also save water.

6. Pressure Reducing Valves

These water pressure reducing valves are inexpensive and compact devices that are used to automatically reduce the high incoming water pressure from the city mains to provide a lower, more functional pressure for distribution in the home and maintaining usually 50 psi set pressure in the home.

Water utility losses are ranging from 15% to 70% and it is a big problem in the water distribution systems. One of the solutions to reduce water loss is using good pressure management. If you reduce pressure by 1% you will reduce leakage by approximately 1.15%.

7. Water-Saving Showers

Efficient showerheads have low flow and reduce the number of gallons of water they deliver per minute. This type of inexpensive and easy to install showerhead can save you and the planet up to 6.4 gallons of water for every minute or up to 750 gallons of water per month. 

This water conservation effort will save you money down the road. You can also spend less time in the shower. Taking a quick shower lasting five minutes or less can help save up to 1,000 gallons of water per month.

8. Efficient Toilets

Flush only when necessary.  Don’t use your toilet as garbage disposal and/or trash can.  Consider installing a low-flow toilet that can save up to 90% of water use. The water-saving in the toilet can be achieved by vacuum, dual flush, pressurized flush, Siphonic trap or cyclone flush.

9. Use Automatic Washing Machine Full Loaded

Modern washing machines use less water but still if you are not using an optimal washing machine you’ll be wasting water. Try to use your washing machine when is fully loaded to reduce water consumption. You can also use more eco-friendly laundry detergents. There are sustainable options like laundry strips, laundry powder, laundry detergent pods, eco nuts, laundry sheets, or laundry tablets.

10. Use Automatic Dishwasher Full Loaded

Same apply to dishwasher machine. Use when is fully loaded with dishes to reduce your water consumption. Modern dishwasher use less water than conventional hand-washing. They are very efficient but still practical water saving tips that can reduce your water bill by 30%.

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